Upgrade Accounting Software to 2018

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Would you like to upgrade your old Accounting Software to Accounting Software 2018? Really speaking, it is always greatly beneficial to upgrade the older version of Accounting Software to the new versions. With the changing requirements, the Accounting Software experts keep adding new and innovative features to enhance the user-experience.

However, many of the Accounting Software users often find it difficult to upgrade older versions to the new versions of Accounting Software. Truly speaking, is not really a tough task. The Accounting Software experts have made this application so user-friendly that the users can upgrade it without undergoing any hassles.

System Requirements

  • Operating system and Server
    • The Operating System that can be used are Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
    • The server required are Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
    • Windows small business Server 2011, Essentials and Standard.
  • Browser 
    • Internet Explorer 11.
  • Hardware and operating system
    • Processor 2.4 GHz
    • Minimum 4GB RAM required and the recommended is 8GB (it can be increased if you increased the number of users.)
    • 2.5 GB of disk space is needed
    • 4X DVD ROM is used in case of installations using the CD.

Things to do for Upgrading

In the first place, what one requires is to download Accounting Software 2018 from the official intuit website. One can then open the data file and then upgrade it. However, many of the people find it a bit confusing while updating the data file. Here is how one can update the data file to Accounting Software to the new version of Accounting Software:

  • Download, install, and launch Accounting Software 2018.
  • Select ‘File’ and ‘Open or Restore Company’.
  • Choose ‘Open a Company file’ and press ‘Next’/
  • Browse to the data file then click ‘Open’.
  • Go through the information in ‘Update Company File for New Version’ pane. Check the box to indicate that you understand the information, and then press ‘Update’.
  • See the instruction and accordingly back up the file. Note the location you place the file.
  • Click ‘Yes’ when you see the message, ‘You are about to open a company file using a new version of Accounting Software…Do you want to continue?’

Once you update, the data file will be updated. However, you should store the backup. You may require it in the future. Once you are certain that you no longer require the backup, you can delete it or let it be where it is. In case you copied the file from any other computer system, copy it back again and keep it there.

If the file is not visible or available in its original location or folder, you can search for *.qbw files in the hard drive. While searching, you need to include hidden files and folders in the search criteria.


You can set the updates that can be done in 2 ways that are:-

Automatic update

  • In the Accounting Software software
  • Click on the File menu and then from options click on the Update Accounting Software Desktop
  • Now you have to select the Update Now button 
  • Click on the Get Updates so that it starts to download the update
  • After successful download, restart your Accounting Software software
  • Then a window opens up in that click to install the new release or update
  • It takes a while to complete it and you are done.

Scheduled Update

  1. In the Help menu of Accounting Software Desktop
  2. You have to select the option Update Accounting Software Desktop
  3. In the Options tab
  4. Click on the YES button that turns on your scheduled automatic update
  5. Then close the window
  6. Now you set the Scheduled update and now onwards you get the software update automatically.

Though this is not quite a difficult process, the amateur Accounting Software users may find it a bit confusing. However, there is no need to panic. The Accounting Software users can access the Accounting Software Assistance professionals as and when they face any Accounting Software issues and fail to resolve them using the troubleshooting methods.


  1. Can I import my previous version company file to the newest Accounting Software 2018?

    Yes, you can import the company file but before that, you have to update the company file also with the Accounting Software Desktop. This helps you in making the Importing process easy and you didn’t get any error or problem while recovering your data.

  2. Do I need to back up the company file before any upgrade?

    Yes, you have to back up your data before doing action with your Accounting Software account whether it is an upgrade, update, or anything else. You have to take the backup of your company data file and save the copy of the backup at 2-3 different locations. In case of any damage, you can use the other backup copy to restore the data.